DWDM Mux/Demux

DWDM Mux/Demux

MICS product line offers the most complete range of DWDM Mux/Demux (6,25GHz to 400GHz spacing).
TMICS is a spacing and frequency Tunable DWDM Mux/Demux.
Thanks to its flexible bulk grating technology, KYLIA offers the most complete DWDM mux/demux product range.
- Up to 48 channels
- Any spacing from 6.25 Ghz till 400 Ghz
- S+C+L+U band (1460nm to 1675nm) or around 1310nm
- Flat top shape or specific shape option
- PM option
Since 1998, KYLIA MICS product is deployed on the field by system vendors, for metro, long haul and submarine networks.
KYLIA developed a benchtop tunable MUX/DEMUX. By tuning the spacing and the optical frequency, the user has access to complete grid modularity.
- MICS is qualified to TELCORDIA 1209 and TELCORDIA 1221.
- KYLIA also offers MUX/DEMUX based on TFF in mini-size packages - please send an email to let us know your requirement ([email protected]).
Downloadable Items:
Model # | Wavelength Band | Channels | Fiber type | Channel spacing | Filter shape | Type |
MICS-16-G | S+C+L+U or 1310nm | 16 | SMF28 or PM (optional) | 6.25 GHz - 400 GHz | Gaussian | BGT |
MICS-48-G | S+C+L+U or 1310nm | 48 | SMF28 or PM (optional) | 6.25 GHz - 400 GHz | Gaussian | BGT |
MICS-16-F | S+C+L+U or 1310nm | 16 | SMF28 or PM (optional) | 6.25 GHz - 400 GHz | Flat-top | BGT |
MICS-32-F | S+C+L+U or 1310nm | 32 | SMF28 or PM (optional) | 6.25 GHz - 400 GHz | Flat-top | BGT |